Common name : Bleeding heart
Propogation : By seeds & cutting, as they easily grow its rhizomes root's from new shoots.
Native : Tropical West Africa from Cameroon West to Senegal
Delightful heart shaped shade flowers measuring about an inch in size, displayed in rows of stems which proudly arch above inviting fern like foiiage, Evergreen, tough plant, love's partial or deep shade and consistently wet soil, soil needs good drainage properties.in winter it's dormant, grow up to 4m or 13 feet tall. It blooms from March to October.
Uses : Good for border or beds, container, hanging baskets .
Fun facts :
Bleeding heart have special meaning. The pink heart shaped flowers express romantic love and the white flowers means purity but that is not all The reason for common name is obvious, but the plant heart shaped petals hide intriguing secret what could it be? The stamens, anthers and inner ring of petals forms a shape.