Scientific name : Asclepias tuberosa
Common name : Mexican butterfly weed
Propogation : By dividing rhizomes, tubers , from seeds, stem cutting easily root in water.
Native : South America
Plant is hardy easy to grow, as it requires sunny spot in moist,fertile soil & needs average water, Just don't over water. Leaves are dark green, grow as annual, have milky sap. Bright color flowers are good for border, beds, container, medicinal herbs good nectar source of all kinds of butterfly lt provide food for caterpillars. Birds harvest it's downy silk to create nest, All parts are mild toxic if consumed or by coming into contact with sap from bruised or broken part of plants,causing eye irritation and dermatitis.
Uses : Good for border or beds, container, hanging baskets .
Fun facts :
- Favourite plants of manarch butterfly and catterpillers plants have medicinal value.
- Asclepias name of a Greek God of healing and medicine, Pays tribute to legendary greek herbalists Asclepias,