Chrysanthemum Flower(Mums)
Botanical or Scientific Name Chrysanthemums
Common Names - Chandramallika (Hindi)
- Mum
- Shavantige, Shyavantige (Kannada)
- Chandramukhi (Manipuri)
- Shevanti (Marathi)
- Godaavari (Nepali)
- Saamandi, Javandi (Tamil)
- Chamunti (Telugu)
Plant Type Annual flowering succulent
Sunlight Required High 
Water Required Medium
Soil Required Well-drained Sandy or Rocky soil with dry or medium moisture
Bloom Time Early Summer to Winter
Flower Colours White, orange, yellow, red, pink, Violet
Native Area East Asia and Northeastern Europe
Propagation - Seeds

- Fresh Cutting of the healthy grown lower half of the leaves from a 3-4 inch using a sharp clean knife or blade. Then Dip about 3/4 inch of the cut end into one inch deep sterile moist sand. After this create a mini-greenhouse over the container with poly film over a wire frame and place it in a bright spot (NOT full sun) until the roots form.
Fun Facts - Chrysanthemums are the second most popular flower after Rose in the world.
- Chrysanthemums is the national Flower of Japan.
- The Chrysanthemum flower symbolizes fidelity, optimism, joy and long life.
- Chrysanthemum originates from China.
- Term "Chrysanthemum" is coined from Greek words "Chrysos" which means gold, and "Anthos" which means 'Flower'.

Description :

Chrysanthemums plants can be grown in any kind of soil, but they require a sunny weather for best performance. Chrysanthemum seeds are sown in those areas which experience low rainfall during the rainy season.

    Chrysanthemum Yellow Flower

    Chrysanthemum Flower(Mums)
    Chrysanthemum White Flower